at William Paterson University

Lab Member Spotlight: Kathryn

How long have you been a part of the lab? This is my first year in the PsyD program, so I've just joined the lab this semester!

What is your favorite thing about William Paterson's Psy.D. program and working in the lab? So far, my favorite parts of the PsyD program are the practice videos we're assigned to make for Intro to Clinical Practice. I like teaming up with a classmate to practice a therapeutic technique that we discussed in class. The feedback that we get on our videos has also been really valuable to me. In the lab, I like that we're asked to do article reviews on a rotating basis for lab meetings. I enjoy learning more about other students' research interests, and having the chance to learn more and talk about mine.

What made you choose William Paterson? One of the things I especially loved about William Paterson's PsyD program is that the program allows students to pursue their own individual interests, when I didn't see many other programs offering that same freedom. During interview day, students emphasized that the program faculty supported them in exploring externships in areas within clinical psychology, like forensic psychology. I feel like faculty want to help us make the most of our time in the program and explore diverse interests within the field until we find our niche. It was also important to me to enroll in a program that offered instruction in both CBT and psychodynamic therapies.

What is a fun fact about yourself? During the pandemic I took up cross stitching and have been working on a cross-stitched version of Lichtenstein's "Drowning Girl"!


Megan Chesin